Phone Number

01625 810636 & 020 4519 9665


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 9AM - 6PM

This video introduces the NEW laser for removing unwanted hair called the Soprano ICE. Tired of waxing, shaving and plucking then this fantastic laser removes hair permanently over a course of treatment.The greatest feature of this laser is that it can be tailored to your skin type therefore making it “pain free”.

The tip of the laser, like you see in the video, is very cold making the treatment a very comfortable experience…unlike the old lasers!!

After we have had a full consultation and identified your skin type, I set the laser to the correct level to carry out a “test patch”. After 20 mins if everything is fine I can proceed with the treatment or you can make a further appointment to begin your course of treatment.

I need to ensure the treatment is pain free for you by talking to you while I am using the  laser in the area and asking “on a scale of 1-5, 5 being uncomfortable, how are you feeling?”

We have also a dedicated page laser hair removal where you can find useful information about the treatment and the technology we use in our Manchester clinic.

UPDATE 2022: We now use the latest Soprano Titanium!

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