Phone Number

01625 810636 & 020 4519 9665


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 9AM - 6PM

laser hair removal manchesterIf you are considering laser hair removal treatments to get rid of your hair, it’s now time to say goodbye to IPL machines and start looking for proper laser hair removal machines.

Laser hair removal in Manchester is a quite common treatment however there are several clinics using old technology for removing hair from face, body or legs.

This old laser hair removal machines provide a very long and unpleasant treatment. A lot of people, straight after their treatment, had several burns on their body. No good at all.

Luckily, you can forget about it!

If you are living in the area and looking for laser hair removal in Manchester, you could try our brand new Soprano Ice laser hair removal machine. It is the cutting edge technology in body hair removal, it’s fast and totally pain-free.

If you are interested in reviewing our machine, book a free consultation and try our Soprano ICE at our Manchester clinic. We are based in Cheshire very closed to Manchester Airport.

Here is a new testimonial from Lesley who tried the Soprano ICE laser on her face and legs.

How much does laser hair removal cost?

Years ago a treatment to get rid of your hair would cost a fortune. Now it’s more affordable than ever! On top of that, with our latest technology compatible with all skin types and hair types, you will have a pleasant treatment.

Book Your Treatment Now or click here if you have any questions.


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