Most people go in for cosmetic surgery in order to enhance the look of their features. However, the thing about this form of surgery is that it involves the use of invasive surgical techniques. One method that you can try to reduce skin wrinkles and at the same time ensure positive results in anti aging treatment is the use of dermal fillers.
Are dermal fillers really effective?
Dermal fillers are quite effective in the way they enhance your facial appearance. They can be injected into your skin to remove issues such as wrinkles and other problems such as sunken cheeks, crows feet, line on the forehead and so on. A local anaesthetic is applied to the area where ageing signs have to be removed. The skin remains youthful because it has hyaluronic acid, but when this acid level comes down wrinkles begin to appear. Dermal fillers can help in replacing some of the lost hyaluronic acid and this makes the skin firm and youthful looking.
This form of anti ageing treatment when used correctly is very effective. The skin dermis is filled up using a naturally occurring substance, hyaluronic acid, available in several commercial products such as Restylane®, Juvederm ® and Hylaform ® which is used for counteracting ageing signs. Commonly areas of the face where dermal fillers can be applied are the nose, lips and mouth area. They can be used to help improve acne scars and remove lines and furrows seen around the face area.
There are many benefits in using dermal fillers as a form of anti ageing treatment. It can be completed in just about 15 to 20 minutes of time. The result of using dermal fillers can be very effective. You can see instant results which last for up to nine months in some case but don’t be surprised if they last for 6 months. The substances used in dermal fillers are natural so side effects are minimal.
Many people find undergoing cosmetic surgery to be painful to even consider, It can take time to heal from the surgery process and in many cases the time taken to heal can be a lengthy process, especially in the case of complicated surgeries. As a result, they tend to seek non-surgical techniques to enhance their appearance. Dermal fillers are one of the most effective means of bringing about changes in a person’s appearance while removing the need for surgery.
For more information please consult our page dedicated to all the anti wrinkle treatments we offer at Canova Medical in Cheshire.